Gem Spotlight - James Garland, DGB Global
James recently had the honour of being named Fundraiser of the Year 2025 at FIA’s prestigious Awards of Excellence, an accolade that recognises his extraordinary impact and leadership in the fundraising sector.
With 20 years’ in the industry, James' journey and success are a testament to his dedication, passion, and innovation. It’s no surprise that this well-deserved recognition has come his way.
This award category was proudly sponsored by Gembridge Australia, so Michelle Varcoe had the privilege of presenting this award to James at the Gala, marking a significant milestone in his exceptional career.
As we shine the Gem Spotlight on James, we took a moment to catch up with him to hear his thoughts on receiving this award and reflect on his career.
James Garland on stage accepting the 2025 Fundraiser of the Year award at the FIA Gala in Sydney. MIchelle Varcoe, Nuz Hameed and Ross Anderson to left / behind flower arrangements.
Here’s what he had to say:
Congratulations on your recent achievement! Can you share a bit about the journey that led to your becoming an FIA Fellow?
I have been involved in FIA for around 15 years. I started at a state committee level and was then identified as a likely starter for a National Board role. I wasn't sure about serving at a national level; but it has been one of the most rewarding things I have done in my career
What are you passionate about outside of your professional work? How do you bring those passions to life?
I've always been really passionate about building things - lots of different things. Fixing and building are in my nature and there is certainly a lot of that needed in the world. I guess my career and work journey does reflect that trait and passion.
If you could dedicate one entire day to anything you enjoy, what would you do and why?
Building something really cool for our house or garden. I really value where I live. I feel very fortunate to have a wonderful house and garden. It's a joy to create a beautiful environment to spend time with the family and with friends.
Where is the one place in the world you'd love to visit, and why does it hold that special place in your heart?
Italy - more specifically, central Italy - more specifically, Tuscany within striking distance of Rome! I've been several times and I'd live there if I could!
What’s one book, TV show, or movie that has shaped you or left a lasting impression on you?
It would have to be the book Giving Hope by my long-time colleague, friend and world-fundraising guru, Peter Dalton (have to give him a plug!).
If you could have dinner with any three people — past or present — who would you invite and what would you discuss?
Keanu Reeves, Virat Kohli and Frank Sinatra would be a pretty interesting trio. Good night talking philanthropy, cricket and some excellent karaoke.
As a child, what did you dream of becoming when you grew up? Does that dream still resonate with you today?
I didn't dream of becoming anything in particular as a child. Certainly not in any career sense. I have followed opportunities as they have presented themselves. I'm a believer in taking risks, going for it and working hard to make things happen.
Looking back, what was your first job, and how did it shape your career journey?
My first job as an adult was in a pub (like many others I imagine) and it really did shape my skills at understanding the full spectrum of people in the world. Customer service and hospitality are great traits to get along both in our sector and more broadly. Without them you're not much fun to be around.
What’s the best thing about your current role, and what gets you excited about your work each day?
I'm really lucky to work for an agency that has brought so many great people together to work on some great fundraising campaigns. Some massive global campaigns, but also much smaller ones of unique significance. Our team is so passionate about helping the organisations we work with and it never feels like work. It always just feels like a mission to succeed against any odds and we fight for the clients we work with. That's pretty good work if you can get it!
How do you manage to stay motivated and driven, especially during tough times in your profession?
Staying motivated gets easier over the years. Sometimes you have a dog of a day, for sure. But experience tells you that you will feel better and the hard truth is that the only way back from a slump is to do the hard work. I know when I have smashed out a heap of work, I always feel better and fulfilled that I have achieved. No easy fixes when you are down on motivation. You just have to push through.
What was your main motivator for pursuing a career in the “for purpose” sector, and what keeps you committed to it?
I didn't have any specific motivation to work in the non-profit sector, but I don't think that is uncommon. Reflecting back, I did take a role in the sector with interest, so like many others I must have had some social conscience and interest in it. But until I took that first role, it wasn't a career path I had sought out. Once I was in the sector, I was never leaving - that much I know.
What has been your proudest career accomplishment, and why is it meaningful to you?
I don't think I have one proud moment that is well and truly above the rest. I'm lucky that in our work at DGB Global, we have lots of proud moments when things go our way in the campaigns we are working on. But it was a pretty special buzz when Australian of the Year, Neale Daniher said 'good coaching' to me when we were working on their first big campaign strategy. Pretty cool coming from THE coach.
What’s the best piece of career advice you've received, and how do you apply it in your own life?
I have been lucky to receive good advice from a lot of my former employees, especially the CEOs I have worked for. But I don't know if their advice is really my number one. I think there is no substitute for hard work. Whether that is researching something you don't know about, professional development, or going above and beyond in your administrative tasks, hard work is really the backbone of all success. It simply doesn't happen easily. Nothing does. You have to roll up your sleeves and be up for the challenge.
James Garland together with Lisa Krishtul, Michelle Varcoe and Jenni D’Orival from Gembridge at the FIA Gala 2025.
Thank you, James, for taking the time to share your experiences and accomplishments with us. Your dedication to the fundraising sector and your drive to make a meaningful impact are truly inspiring. We’re excited to see the continued positive change you’ll bring to the industry and the organisations you work with. Congratulations once again on being named Fundraiser of the Year 2025!