Major Gifts - Tessa's Recent Learnings & Tips

Top tips from seasoned fundraising leaders and insights from exploring the wonderful world of philanthropy.

With a growth mindset, there are always learning opportunities.


At Gembridge, my focus in recruitment is on fundraising and philanthropy positions, meaning my days are filled with engaging with passionate fundraisers, attending FIA events and connecting talent with their dream jobs in the For Purpose sector. To say I’ve endless opportunities to learn is an understatement! I am so excited to share a few insights on how to drive an engaging and impactful major gifts program, which mainly comes from FIA’s Major Gift PD session in May (and Gembridge are the VIC Chapter Sponsor!).


All A-board!

Transform your Board from challenge to cheerleaders. A key question we ask candidates is How do you engage your Board and Executive in Fundraising, particularly in major gifts and bequests?

And a key question to a donor…

“What would be a gift that you’d be proud to give?” 

- Roewen Wishart, Xponential

In any For Purpose organisation, everyone has a shared mission and thus an investment in making an impact. Those with the means to help may be closer than you think… The members of your Board have the ability to advocate within their circles and bridge the gap between you and your next major donors.

  • Do your research: gain an understanding of their individual networks ahead of approaching them.

  • Be specific: approach one at a time and be clear. “I saw you’re connected with Potential Major Donor; would you mind introducing us?”

  • Be transparent: align it back to organisational goals, lay out your exact intentions, maintain their trust.

  • Be honest: share both the wins and the challenges currently being faced by the fundraising team and wider organisation.

  • Don’t push it: take your time, offer gratitude for whichever outcome.



From prospect to prosperous!

In recruitment, it is very important to build a talent pipeline of candidates (prospects) for every role. It’s just as crucial in a fundraising context to build a pipeline of prospective donors.

So, you’ve put work into your internal engagement, identifying prospects from throughout the networks of those already connected with your organisation. Where else may you find your next major donors?

  • Wealth Scan: partnering up with a third-party consultant to dig deep into your database may be the gateway to your next six-figure gift. This service will identify those with an existing connection to your organisation and the capacity to become major donors.

  • Social Media: could your missing link be linked in? Keep an eye on who is engaging with your organisation on social media.

  • Australian Financial Review: more than just a popular source of market trends and info, the AFR can act as a catalogue of Australia’s most wealthy networks.  

  • Networking events: conferences, galas, PD events. Maintain your presence within the community, don’t be afraid to try something new.

  • Existing donors: one you’ve cultivated an authentic relationship with your major donor, you may be able to access their network. Proceed with caution, be intentional and, above all, don’t jeopardise the positive connection.

  • Grateful Patients, Clients, Students etc: who better to advocate for your brand than those who have been directly affected by your organisation?

  • Volunteers: with a well-established connection to cause, you’re already halfway there!

  • Prospect researchers: for our time poor friends, help is available! Maybe it’s time to bring a Prospect Researcher into your team. This is something that Gembridge can help with…



Educate! Help prospective donors understand the problem clearly.

Motivate! Show them that they can be part of the solution.

Engage! Understand what motivates them, what their story is and work together to make an impact.



Destination, Donation!

  • VIP tour: take your prospects behind the scenes.

  • Meet and Greet: offer your prospect the opportunity to meet the fundraising team, researchers or even beneficiaries of their generosity. Further enhance the fundamental message that you’re working together to make an impact.

  • Hands-on Experience: get creative! Perhaps your prospect with better understand their place in the big picture after experiencing the process for themselves.

  • Prestige stewardship event: plan strategically, add substance. Keep your donor front of mind when developing engaging events.

  • Video footage: capture the hearts of your donors through capturing tailored videos.


Case for Support

It’s your time to shine!

  • Identify the purpose: What are you trying to achieve? What is the desired impact?

  • Link the donor: help them understand how they can help, why they should help and what their help will achieve.   

  • Embrace the infographics: these will help get your point across quickly and ensure donor engagement is maintained.

  • Give them the opportunity to ask questions: help them feel like they’re an integral part of the process.

  • Show impact: demonstrate what success will look like. Help them understand the amazing affect that their generosity can make.



Acquiring funds to cover your overheads can be a difficult task. Discover how to approach the topic with your major donors through this free guide provided by Reframe Overhead:


To summarise, the key to unlocking the untapped potential within your major giving program is reliant on fostering genuine connections, curating bespoke strategies and, most importantly, working together. Remain adaptable and open minded, learn from your peers and keep your eyes not only on the prize, but the phenomenal impact that can be achieved with thanks to your major donors.

In my recruitment role at Gembridge, I love the many opportunities available to expand my knowledge of fundraising, and of course playing a key role in connecting the right people to impactful positions.  Thanks to the many clients, candidates and industry networks generously sharing their experience, wisdom, passion, case studies and knowledge at conferences and PD. You make an incredible difference in your direct fundraising work, but also through building the capability and knowledge of others in the sector (including me). Thank you!

From my background in recruitment, I know that we’re constantly learning and evolving, and I have enjoyed the learning journey I’ve been on so far at Gembridge and delving further into the world of fundraising and philanthropy.


Thank you to Roewen Wishart, Antonia Makkar & Dan Wilson for sharing your insights and experience through FIA’s Major Gift PD session in Melbourne (and many other experts on my continuous learning journey).