Highlights From 'The Future of Recruiting 2024'

The landscape of recruitment is changing, and those who don’t stay up to date with the latest trends will get left behind. LinkedIn recently surveyed thousands of recruiting professionals for their insights, published in a LinkedIn article, “The Future of Recruiting 2024”. Here are our highlights and key takeaways from the research with an NFP lens over it.

Prediction - AI will supercharge recruiting.

Generative AI is a much debated topic, with lots of anxiety as to its impacts - will it replace everyone’s jobs? Although we don’t think it will replace the role of the recruiter, it will allow for increased productivity, which is ultimately a good thing…

  • Faster to write job descriptions.

  • Automating repetitive tasks, to free time on more quality work.

  • Faster and easier to engage with candidates.

But even as Gen AI automates many recruiting tasks, the human touch will still be critical. Recruiters will distinguish themselves by doing things that AI can’t do, such as forging strong ties to candidates and offering positive candidate experiences. As a result, soft skills will be even more important.
— LinkedIn article - The future of recruiting

Prediction - Recruiting will help build the skills-based workforce of the future.

Skills-based hiring is set to gain traction in the years ahead. This will shed light on a greater focus on skills based hiring rather than pedigree such as where they went to school, what degrees they completed, what jobs they’ve had. This opens the candidate pool to many more that are capable of the role, but would have previously been overlooked.

Article highlights:

  • “LinkedIn data shows that focusing on skills can increase talent pools by 10x.”

  • “The number of jobs listed on the LinkedIn platform that omit degree requirements jumped 36% between 2019 and 2022.”

Prediction - Quality of hire will top the recruiting agenda.

Future of recruiting - LinkedIn article image

Quality… this is kind of a no brainer for us at Gembridge. There’s no point in making placements that won’t last. It now appears that quality is beginning to become a greater focus for demands of recruitment/talent acquisition in general.

In global uncertainty, as company growth rates contract, everyone wants confidence that they are hiring the right people. Thus, less focus on time-to-fill and acceptance rates.

It is hard to measure quality, however, it can include factors such as job performance, team fit, culture add, productivity and retention.


  • “More companies are seeking workers with soft skills.”

  • “Increasingly focused on hiring individuals whose values align with the company’s principles and mission.”

Prediction - Agility will be a must-have for recruiting teams.

Recruitment is trending towards recruiters having skills across the board in all areas of the recruitment process. Here at Gembridge, we also believe this leads to a better client experience and ultimately a better result.


  • “Teams must be able to quickly adapt to changes in the labour market.“

  • “Increasingly, talent acquisition pros can be expected to be ‘full-stack’ recruiters who can work seamlessly across different functions and stages of the hiring process.”

Prediction- Recruiting teams will advocate for flex work policies.

Definitely a trend since COVID lockdowns, however we do see this varies depending on the job role. Here are highlights from the surveyed results.


  • “Flex work policy yields a larger talent pool, more job applicants, and a better employer brand.”

  • “Demand for flexible work is here to stay.”

  • “Flexible work as an employee value proposition (EVP) has seen an increase in importance over the past few years — especially for Gen Z.”

Prediction - Attracting Gen Z will require a new playbook.

To attract and retain Gen Z candidates, you need to understand their drivers. Here are highlights from the LinkedIn research which speak for themselves.


  • “Gen Z will account for more than a quarter of the global workforce by 2025.”

  • “Gen Z cares deeply about working for companies that share their values.”

  • “Gen Z wants a workplace where they can learn and advance”.

  • “Gen Z is 36% more likely to prioritise advancement opportunities and 34% more likely to prioritise skill development opportunities.”


Future of Recruiting – LinkedIn article