Reference checks: A crucial part of your job search

Reference checks: A crucial part of your job search

When you are searching for a new job, you spend time researching roles and organisations, preparing and updating your CV, and crafting tailored cover letters. Something you should also be thinking about early in the process, is your referees.

References are an incredibly important part of the hiring process. For employers, they're like a sneak peek into your work ethic, skills, and how you get along with others. It's a chance for them to verify what they learnt about you during the interview and get an idea of how you performed in previous roles.

For the most part, reference checks go smoothly and are followed by a job offer. However, it can go the other way – perhaps your referee puts doubt in the mind of the hiring manager and there’s some red flags raised, or you only have one referee, but an organisation-wide policy requires a minimum of two references. Keep in mind that once you get to reference check stage, it means you are close to getting an offer. Don’t let your reference checks be the reason you don’t get that offer!

Here are some tips so you can be well prepared:


Choose Your References Wisely

The first rule of reference checks: choose wisely! Pick people who can vouch for your abilities, work ethic, and character. Former managers are your best option; sometimes, colleagues, or even clients can be good choices.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's worth emphasising - make sure your references are willing to provide a positive recommendation. You want them to advocate for you and your potential as an employee and highlight your strengths. If you're unsure whether a reference will be positive or not, perhaps think twice about them being one of your references or at least have an honest conversation with them first.

Remember, reference checks are a vital part of the job search process. Be strategic and thoughtful in selecting your references, ensuring they know you well, understand your strengths, and will provide a positive reference.


Be Prepared Early

A good rule of thumb is to ask for permission from your references as soon as you begin actively applying for jobs. It’s too late to wait until you've reached the final stages of the interview process – the people you had been thinking of may be difficult to reach, away on holidays or not willing to provide a reference. Be prepared and ready to provide referee contact details as soon as you are asked for them. You don’t want to delay getting that offer.


Give Your References a Heads Up About the Timing and Role

Let them know about the position you're applying for. Your references are an excellent opportunity to showcase your accomplishments and the positive impact you had in your previous roles, so it's essential to brief them on the skills and experiences you'd like them to highlight during the reference check. This way, they won't be caught off guard and can tailor their responses accordingly.

And don’t forget to let your references know when they should expect a call, and who from.

Keep Your References Informed

If things are taking longer than expected, whether that’s your job search in general or the timeframe that they will receive a phone call, make sure to keep your references updated on your progress and timelines. It’s also good to keep them informed of any outcomes. A quick email or call to let them know where you stand, shows your appreciation and professionalism.


Show Gratitude

Last but not least, don't forget to thank your references. A simple thank-you note, or a heartfelt email goes a long way in maintaining those valuable professional relationships. Your references are likely very willing to help and support you and they want to see you succeed, but it’s still good to remember they are doing you a favour and giving their time, so a little appreciation goes a long way.


We hope you found these tips useful. If you still have questions about reference checks or would like any help on your job search journey, please reach out to the Gembridge team at 03 8375 9661 or