Attracting and Retaining Gems

If you have tried to recruit recently and found it tough going, you’re not alone. Recruiters and hiring managers are noticing a candidate shortage. Whilst there seems to be many roles to fill within organisations due to growth, restructure, or staff resignation, it’s increasingly difficult to find the talent to fill them.

“In March, SEEK saw the highest number of job ads in a month in its 23-year history, so jobs are way up! But… applications per ad were at the lowest level since 2012.

It’s a complex combo of heaps of new jobs (yay!) and not enough skilled people to fill them (no!), with people staying in jobs due to uncertainty caused by the crisis and no avenues to recruit from overseas thanks to closed borders.” (Source: Job Adder)

In addition to this, experts are suggesting a ‘Great Resignation’ will hit Australia in March 2022, predicting that millions of employees could quit their jobs post-pandemic. (Source: ABC News)

Being able to attract and retain talent (Gems!) is more important than ever.


What are candidates are looking for?

The Gembridge team has extensive experience recruiting candidates in the ‘for purpose’ sector. Two factors are vital for organisations to have thriving impact: they are an aspirational organisation and have high-performing people.

And we know that candidates are certainly looking to be part of aspirational organisations.


What makes an aspirational organisation?

Image: What makes an aspirational organisation?

Image: What makes an aspirational organisation?

Employer of choice
You need to be an employer of choice, an employer that candidates choose above other workplaces. Check out our article here about how you can build your employer brand to attract talent.

Great Culture
You need to have a great culture, something that's a joy to be a part of. A culture that supports and retains their people.

Further insights:

Build a Culture That Aligns with People’s Values: “As leaders grapple with how to recruit top candidates and retain employees, they must rethink how they’re shaping and building a culture that unites people around a common cause”

This is what good organisational culture looks like: “These 4 organisations (including an NFP) have high performing cultures. Here's how they approach culture from an operational perspective, and what they're doing right” 

Value Individuals
You need to make sure that people feel valued, that they're paid market salaries and feel like they've got the opportunities to progress their careers.

Best Practice
You need to have professional procedures in place that are accepted as being the most ethical and most effective.

You need to be a viable employer that demonstrates sustainable funding or solid plans to secure investment to achieve impact. People need to feel like their employer is here for the long term.

Inspiring Leaders
You need to have inspiring leaders in your organisation. Great candidates look for awesome managers to work with and to inspire them.

To make sure you are recruitment ready, these are some of the key factors to have in place. These will ensure that you not only attract the right people, but you keep them long term.

If you’d like to talk about recruitment needs in your team, please reach out. To meet with us via Zoom, book in a time here or call (03) 8375 9661.