Gem Spotlight - Amanda Chan

Q & A with Amanda Chan, Communications Manager at JobWatch

In this month’s Gem Spotlight, Amanda shares her passion for writing and making a difference, plus career highlights, advice and her ultimate dinner guests. She is a communications and brand-guided storytelling professional, experienced in creating change in the community sector. She is also a self-confessed dedicated list-maker and spreadsheeter! 

Gembridge placed Amanda in her current role as Communications Manager at JobWatch.

Amanda Chan, Communications Manager at JobWatch

Amanda Chan, Communications Manager at JobWatch

How did you get into Communications?

I knew from a very young age that I would be a writer - I just didn't know what kind of writer! From dreaming of being a kids book author in primary school to imagining myself as an investigative journalist in high school, it was clear that words were always going to be part of my life. At university, I ended up doing a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Communications, and very quickly realised that I had a knack of writing engaging copy for different audiences. 

Favourite thing about working in the social impact sector? 

It's all about the warm fuzzy feelings! We spend so much of our adult lives working for a living - I couldn't do it if I didn't fervently believe that the work I do means something and makes a difference. Working in Communications, I think the favourite part of any role I've held has always been the human impact / social connection piece. Having the privilege of interviewing people whose lives have been positively impacted by the work that we do, and to share that story with a wide audience, is definitely a highlight. 

What is your proudest accomplishment or career highlight?

There have been so many - but probably one of the most memorable was when I single-handedly delivered a full day conference with multiple session streams for 400 delegates...I was seven months pregnant on the day and waddling everywhere, having battled morning sickness the whole time I was planning the conference! You could say I delivered two babies that year ;)

What is the best career advice you've received? 

It's okay to say no. As a people pleaser, my default response is to say yes to doing things. One of my managers told me very early on, that it was okay to say 'no', or 'yes but', or 'I have these five other things on my priority list'. Being able to define boundaries and be realistic about deliverables within timeframes is so key to maintaining good mental health at work. That's something we probably all need to remind ourselves again after the blurring of work and life during the 2020 pandemic year! 

What is the key career advice you give to others, particularly those in the sector?  

Self-care is caring for others. Most of us work in the sector because we are passionate about a particular cause, and that passion drives us to go above and beyond. It's really important we remember that in order to deliver the best outcomes for the communities we serve, we need to bring our best, rested, stress-free selves to work. 

If you could invite 3 guests to dinner, who would they be?

My feminist self would absolutely die to have Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at my dinner table! All bold women who stand up and speak out for the causes they believe in. 

Did you learn something new or manage major pivots during lockdown? 

Frankly, I'm just glad I made it through lockdown! There were some tough weeks and months there, where my partner and I were both working full-time and studying part-time, stuck in a two-bedroom apartment with a toddler who wasn't at childcare. I'm glad that the worst of lockdown is over, and that we've been able to reap the benefits of new ways of working more flexibly from home. 

What is your favourite holiday destination? 

I was born in Hong Kong and love visiting the city regularly, especially as most of my extended family still live there. Things are changing rapidly though and given that international travel is probably off the cards for us until at least 2022, I do wonder what it will be like the next time we return. 

What did you dream of being when you were a child?

Like I said earlier, I always dreamed of working with words - as a book author, and then as a journalist. There was also a period where I toyed with the idea of teaching. I had the benefit of having some wonderful teachers at high school, and I wanted to have the same positive impact on other kids.  

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? 

After the events of the past week, I'm dying for the chance to be Prime Minister for a day so that we can actually see a leader who acts and leads with integrity! 

What is your favourite movie / book?

Whenever I find myself reaching for a comfort read, it is without fail, a book by Jane Austen. Many people, more eloquent than I, have talked at length about her ability to acutely describe the intricacies of human nature, and to bring humour to the smallest events in one's life. I always find something new to savour in her books every time I read them. 

On top of working at JobWatch, you have other commitments. Juggling work/life balance can be hard! How do you stay focussed and motivated?

I'm a dedicated list-maker and spreadsheeter! As embarrassing as it may be to admit this, I have to say that one of my favourite activities to do is to sit down for ten minutes and balance the household budget spreadsheet! Control is important to me, and bringing order to chaos is soothing for my soul. You should have seen the project plan and Gantt chart I put together when my partner and I were planning our wedding!