Gem Spotlight

Gem Spotlight - Natalie Jones

Gem Spotlight - Natalie Jones

Natalie Jones was placed at The Perfect Events Group by Gembridge almost exactly three years ago in the Corporate Partnerships Manager role. Today she is the Partnerships and New Business Manager, and loving every minute. Read on to learn more about Natalie and her love of animals, reality TV and making a positive difference in the world.

Gem Spotlight - Suzanne Grant

Gem Spotlight - Suzanne Grant

In this month’s Gem Spotlight, Suzanne shares her career highlights, advice, and lockdown learnings. She is an experienced grant writer with a proven track record of securing funding from philanthropic trusts and foundations for charities in Australia and the UK. She is inspired by the people she works with and is motivated by seeing impact and new projects come to fruition. We also learn that she has a slight competitive streak!