Gem Spotlight - Richard Boland

Gem Spotlight - richard boland at precision group

From time in the Royal Navy, to marketing, to advertising agencies… then placed by Gembridge as an Account Director at Precision Fundraising… and now Group Marketing Manager for Precision Group. Richard was placed in late 2022 and has brought with him a wealth of knowledge and experience. Read on to discover Richard’s very interesting path not only to his role, but to Australia as well…

Richard Boland is now the Group Marketing Manager at Precision Group, after being initially recruited as an Account Director for Precision Fundraising.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.  

Moved to Melbourne 2 years ago after spending the last 20 years in Brisbane. Have worked in Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne whist I have lived and worked in Australia. I moved over here to help a friend out who was building a direct marketing agency in Brisbane and pitched with them for a client whilst I was in the UK. At the time I was the Direct Marketing Manager for Mitsubishi Motors. We won the pitch and 6 weeks later I landed in Brissy. Quite the change from working in Cirencester and living in a hamlet called Withington. One pub, no shops and 6 houses including The Manor house.  

What are you passionate about?

Family and solving problems. And sometimes both are inextricably linked.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? / If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

I enjoy being with my family (wife, daughter, and Alan the dog). And if I could do anything for a day it would be to travel on The Ghan. I like the idea of being on a fancy train watching the world go by.

Where is your favourite or dream holiday destination?

I am a big fan of Spain, Cordoba, Seville and Granada. Great food, architecture and the weather is spot on.

What is your favourite movie, TV show or book?

Favourite Christmas movie is Die Hard! TV show is 8 out of 10 does Countdown and book is any biography to be honest with you. I am quite nosey.

If you could invite 3 guests to dinner, who would they be?

My late and great godfather (the actor Richard Harris), Jimmy Carr and Sophie Willan (actress).

What did you dream of being when you were a child?

Officer in the Royal Navy, which I became.

What was your very first job?

Out of Uni I was an officer in the Royal Navy. I was sponsored by them to study and during the holidays I served on ships. Ending up as a Weapons Officer on submarines.

What’s the best thing about your current role?

Many and varied. Every day and part thereof is different. Working for Cory at Precision Group can see me helping with Fundraising workshops, strategy sessions, working through RFPs and EOI’s as well as helping the various Heads of the companies in the Group with Sales and Marketing.

Your profession can be hard. How do you stay focused, motivated, and driven?

Remembering we are doing good, and others depend upon us to help.

What motivated you to move into or start in the “for purpose” sector?

Accident. I come from a commercial background (running advertising agencies and CMO of a motorsport body and an economic development agency). I was consulting at the time and a friend in the recruitment industry asked me to interview with a telephone fundraiser to give him feedback on how they went about things. I went along and when I found out about the work they did it interested me, and I joined, heading up their Client Services division. And from there I moved to Melbourne and then met Cory and Nick from The Precision Group. And thought they would be good to work with. Which they are.

What is your proudest accomplishment or career highlight?

Taking the ad agency GPY&R Brisbane from middle of the pack to the most creative and most successful agency in Queensland for 4 years on the trot as per AdNews and B&T Awards. For that time working with Mike, Piet, and Rob we did great work and worked with great people, adding to the rich history of both George Patterson and Y&R in Australia.

What is the best career advice you’ve received or that you give to others?

Be useful.

What is another profession that you think would be cool to work in, but probably never would?

Architect. I am not smart enough but like the fact they create buildings that are useful and make people happy.

Thank you for sharing with us, Richard!