Gem Spotlight - Suzanne Grant


In this month’s Gem Spotlight, Suzanne shares her career highlights, advice, and lockdown learnings. She is an experienced grant writer with a proven track record of securing funding from philanthropic trusts and foundations for charities in Australia and the UK. She is inspired by the people she works with and is motivated by seeing impact and new projects come to fruition. We also learn that she has a slight competitive streak!

Gembridge worked in partnership with Peter Mac to appoint Suzanne in her current role as Trusts and Foundations Manager.  


Suzanne Grant - Trusts and Foundations Manager, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Suzanne Grant - Trusts and Foundations Manager, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

What’s the best thing about your current role? 

Peter Mac is one of those iconic Melbourne institutions that is so well regarded it feels like a genuine honour to work there. Like many of us, I’ve lost loved ones to cancer and being able to play even a tiny part in the achievements of Peter Mac feels enormously satisfying.

What is your proudest accomplishment or career highlight?

I’m proud of the work that I did with Ovarian Cancer Australia. I loved working alongside passionate, dedicated women who are tireless in improving the lives of women with ovarian cancer. Seeing new projects come to fruition such as the Younger Women’s Network always makes me feel chuffed.

What is the best career advice you've received? 

Pick up the phone. I’ve always naturally loved the writing side of grants and the talking part comes slightly less easily to me – I’ve had the good fortune to work with some brilliant fundraisers over the years and all of them are great at just picking up the phone and having a conversation with a funder.

Fundraising can be hard. How do you stay focussed, motivated, and driven?

I am always incredibly inspired by talking to the people in the organisations who do the work I am getting grants for. Hearing about the impact a project will have if it receives funding is absolutely the best motivator there is.

I also can’t deny that the joy of receiving a ‘yes’ from a funder is also pretty delightful – it fulfils my slightly competitive desire to win I think!

What is your favourite holiday destination? 

I love the Mornington Peninsula and have spent lots of ace holidays down there…having said that, right now the idea of going somewhere (anywhere!) on a plane is super enticing…

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? 

Coffee, bushwalk, massage, delicious dinner with my family somewhere a little fancy, cosying up with a glass of wine, a book and a fireplace.

What is your favourite movie / book?

Anything by Jilly Cooper. I can’t help it, I’ve loved her since I was a teenager. And don’t try telling me it’s trash, I will not hear it!

Did you learn something new or manage major pivots during lockdown?

I learnt that I am not a good homeschool teacher. At certain points in time I’ve toyed with the idea of teaching but the experience of helping (attempting to help) my 9yr old with her school work has shown me that is not where my strengths lie…I’ve always held teachers in very high esteem and this has confirmed to me their status as legends.

If you could invite 3 guests to dinner, who would they be? 

Billy Bragg, Caitlin Moran, Phoebe Waller-Bridge. They all make me feel better about the world.