Gem Spotlight - Bianca Ryan

Gem Spotlight - Bianca Ryan at Yooralla

We also celebrate Bianca’s new role and learn about why she loves her job, what her most rewarding move was, how she’d spend a dream day and more.

Gembridge worked with Yooralla to appoint Bianca as their Philanthropy Manager. This strategic position was responsible for managing and nurturing relationships with current and prospective major donors, engaging businesses in philanthropic giving and assisting those with a vision to leave a legacy gift in their Will.

Gem Spotlight - Bianca Ryan

What’s the best thing about your current role?

Given Yooralla has been running for over 100 years, we have many very loyal and generous donors. Having conversations with such kind supporters and the confidence they have in us as an organisation to support people with disability to live the life they choose is truly heart-warming. 

What is your proudest accomplishment or career highlight?

Moving to Calgary, Canada for a year with my partner would have to be the most challenging but rewarding thing I have ever done. This is also where my career began working in the non-for-profit space. I worked at UNICEF, Canada. 

What is the best career advice you've received?

The best career advice I have received is to make sure that you love the organisation you work for and that you are passionate about the work they do. Being authentic in my kind of role is super important. 

Fundraising can be hard. How do you stay focused, motivated, and driven?

It can be easy to get stuck in the day-to-day tasks of the job, I always try and stay connected to the cause and re-focus on the bigger picture of why I am doing what I am doing. I find having a really engaging conversation with a donor, keeps me motivated but also seeing the impact that Philanthropy is having on our beneficiaries keeps me driven.  

What is your favourite holiday destination?

Anywhere with good food, dog friendly and outdoor activities. 

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

At the moment, after 4 months of renovating, I would have to say just being in my own home, cooking a warm winter’s meal in the new kitchen with the fireplace on, and watching whatever I wanted on TV!

What is your favourite movie or book?

Lately, any book by Colleen Hoover is a must read! 

If you could invite 3 guests to dinner, who would they be?

As we haven't been able to go back and visit just yet, I would love to have our friends from Canada come visit.

Thanks for sharing with us, Bianca!