Gem Spotlight - Diana Khanom at Eastern Community Legal Centre
Diana Khanom started at Eastern Community Legal Centre at the end of 2022, and she loves working for an organisation that lives out their values of human rights, fairness, and justice. Here she talks about some of her other loves… sustainable living, learning about new cultures, and Friends!
Diana is the Fundraising and Philanthropy Lead at Eastern Community Legal Centre
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m a curious-minded person who had ambition to work in broadcast journalism once upon a time! But happy to say I have been working in the for-purpose sector for over 16 years, and specifically in fundraising for the last decade. I grew up in the UK and have been living in Melbourne for the last 12 years. I care about supporting children and families, human rights and gender equality.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Honestly? Nothing super exciting, the usual things. I enjoy going out for coffee, going to the gym for a workout (and then over-using the spa facilities!), watching a good tv show and reading the news all day long. Actually, I do also have a passion for living a sustainable life and I try my best to minimise waste, reuse and recycle in my free time. I’m an active member of my local Buy Nothing group, which is a fantastic grassroots movement.
Where is your favourite or dream holiday destination?
I don't have a favourite holiday destination, but I do hope to visit more UNESCO World Heritage Sites someday (I travelled a little in my 20s). Immersing myself in new cultures and countries is one of my favourite things to do. Dubrovnik's Old City, the Great Wall of China, and Petra are on my bucket list.
What is your favourite movie, TV show or book?
I love Friends as a TV show. It's a millennial thing, my go-to comfort TV despite seeing the entire series multiple times.
What did you dream of being when you were a child?
My childhood dreams didn't include anything in particular, but as a teen I dreamed of becoming a Vet - until I realised how many years of study were required!
What’s the best thing about your current role?
Working for a community legal centre which lives by its values for human rights, fairness, justice. I work with amazing colleagues who believe profoundly in changing the world, or changing our part of the world. We often share, educate and inspire each other on things close to our hearts like First Nations solidarity, LGBTQIA+ Allyship and now Solidarity with Palestine.
Fundraising and Philanthropy can be hard. How do you stay focused, motivated, and driven?
Absolutely - fundraising is tough and although you can win big, you also have to get used to a lot of disappointment along the way. To stay focused, I think it’s paramount that you work somewhere where you can truly align your work with your values and passion first and foremost. The team plays a big role too. You will need patience and persistence to chip away at your goals and I often find motivation through learning from other fundraising peers.
What is another profession that you think would be cool to work in, but probably never would?
I think it would be incredibly rewarding working in building design. A profession connected to these projects such as an architect or interior designer would be super cool.
Thank you for sharing with us, Diana! You’re a true gem.