Gem Spotlight - Dugald McNaughtan

Gem Spotlight - dugald mcnaughtan at beyond zero emissions

Dugald started his Head of Communications role at Beyond Zero Emissions nearly one year ago. Here he shares with Gembridge about his experience working in the UK and Australia and how his passion for protecting nature has informed his proudest achievements and led to where he is now.

Dugald is the Head of Communications at Beyond Zero Emissions

Tell us a little bit about yourself.    

My name is Dugald and I have worked in the not for profit sector for over two decades, largely in comms and fundraising roles in the UK and now in Australia. I was born in Melbourne but have spent the last two decades in the UK, first in London then in Bristol.


What are you passionate about?

In and outside of work - nature and biodiversity, landscapes and protecting the green spaces we have left. I’m also into music and film.


If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

Maybe visiting the Galapagos Islands or possibly Costa Rica.


If you could invite 3 guests to dinner, who would they be?

Douglas Adams, Gough Whitlam, John Lydon.


What was your very first job?

Selling icecream when I was a teenager.


What motivated you to move into or start in the “for purpose” sector?

I started working for Amnesty International in the UK 20 years ago - and found my tribe. Once you’ve found work with purpose it’s hard to go back!


What is your proudest accomplishment or career highlight?

Whenever I’ve been part of a team that acquired land for nature as opposed to development, I’ve felt really pleased and also relieved!

What is another profession that you think would be cool to work in, but probably never would?

I’d love to have made film soundtracks but I think I’ve missed the boat on that one. Or potentially to have been an orchestra conductor.

Thank you for sharing with us, Dugald!