Gem Spotlight - Olivia Zinzan

Gem Spotlight - olivia zinzan at our village

Olivia began her role as Head of Fundraising and Communications at Our Village (previously St Kilda Mums, Geelong Mums and Eureka Mums) just over a year ago. Now we have the chance to learn more about her - from her first job at Harrod’s to many years serving others in the for purpose sector, what she loves about her current role and the best advice she received from her grandmother.


Olivia is the Head of Fundraising and Communications at Our Village (previously St Kilda Mums, Geelong Mums and Eureka Mums)

Tell us a little bit about yourself.    

Born in London to kiwi parents, I moved to Melbourne with work 11 years ago and fell in love with the city. I now have two little Aussie kids and even found myself cheering for the green and gold in the recent Olympics (as well as Team GB of course). Before joining St Kilda Mums Inc – now Our Village – I spent 14 years in international aid at Save the Children and CARE. 

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? / If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

Life is pretty hectic with two young boys and a busy job, but I love a good weekend away exploring a new spot in Victoria, getting out for a long walk and enjoying a long lunch at a local pub or winery. And I always have my eye on those sunrise hot air balloons over Melbourne and would love to do that one day.

Where is your favourite or dream holiday destination?

I’ve been lucky enough to travel to some pretty far flung places through work (will never forget my Dad asking if I had a Will when I told him I was going to Iraq…) but my home away from home was always Lake Taupo in New Zealand where we escaped the London winter to for hot and sunny Christmases when I was a kid. It’s also where I got married and my Mum’s ashes are there so it’s a pretty special place.

What was your very first job?

I landed a job demonstrating toys in the toy department at Harrod’s! It wasn’t quite as glamorous as it sounds, throwing sticky toys up a wall all day or chasing barking battery-powered dogs around the floor, but I did make a sale to Rod Stewart and Penny Lancaster.

What’s the best thing about your current role?

Just how loved the organisation is, the real sense of community and the phenomenal impact that has been achieved from the original seed of an idea from some new Mums. We’re really excited about what we can achieve as Our Village – the next chapter in the story of St Kilda Mums, Geelong Mums and Eureka Mums. And, I have to say, the freshly baked scones and morning teas in the warehouse are pretty legendary.

What motivated you to move into or start in the “for purpose” sector?

My first ‘proper’ job after uni was at a communications and event management agency. I worked on lots of events every year for one of the main mobile phone companies. One day I realised I just didn’t care that much about mobile phones and took a leap to gain some more experience in the “for purpose” sector by moving to Ecuador! From there I landed a fundraising events job at Save the Children in the UK and didn’t look back.

What is your proudest accomplishment or career highlight?

Working as part of an amazing and diverse global team of colleagues at Save the Children to raise the profile of and funds for forgotten humanitarian crises.

What is the best career advice you’ve received?

One thing that resonated with me recently is: Change is the only constant. Things will always be moving and changing so the key is to recognise that, embrace it and go with the flow!

And a couple of pieces of general advice from my grandmother Joanie (who lived to the ripe old age of 106): always have younger friends and, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.


 Thank you for sharing, Olivia!