Who knows what the future holds? We may not see the full impacts of COVID-19 now, and there could be more volatility as organisations navigate through challenges and opportunities, but there are positive signs. SEEK data suggests confidence and recruitment requirements are slowly rising.
Image sourced from SEEK article - Seek Employment Snapshot June 2020
This data from SEEK highlights the rapid decline then flatline of recruitment, and now a slow trend upwards. This data from the June Seek Employment Snapshot is from all sectors nationally, and our observations at Gembridge plot a similar path as we see more advertisements and hear of growth opportunities across the NFP Sector.
Pro Bono Australia also recorded lower levels of job advertisements with April 2020 being 63% lower and May 38% lower volumes than the same months in 2019, and job applications are three times more. FIA’s (Fundraising Institute of Australia) weekly Job alerts in April 2019 featured 28 advertisements, and only 2 during a similar time this year.
Gembridge has managed many successful assignments, both before and during this pandemic and ready to support our clients and candidates through the challenges and opportunities of recovery, transition back to offices and closer towards ‘ back to normal’. Wonderful to see evidence of new job opportunities on the rise.