Finding and Keeping Awesome Fundraisers

Gembridge’s Michelle Varcoe recently contributed an article to F&P magazine about finding and keeping awesome fundraisers. Some of her insights are highlighted below.

If you are like most for-purpose or social impact organisations, you will know that finding, recruiting and retaining great fundraisers is essential to your success. So, what can you offer to entice them? And once you have them on board, how do you keep them engaged and motivated?

First, why do fundraisers leave?

According to SEEK (June 2022), the five key reasons Australians leave their jobs are:

  1. Mediocre management (leadership

  2. No roads ahead (lack of career progression)

  3. A fresh start or step into a new career (perhaps fundraising?)

  4. A bad environment (culture)

  5. I’m worth more (salary)

At Gembridge, we believe in finding gems and connecting people

What is an aspirational organisation?

We believe the core components, or ‘GEMS’, shown in the infographic (to the right) contribute to an Aspirational Organisation that attracts and retains fundraisers. It is not necessary to have every GEM in place, but it is important to be working towards them.

Is you organisation aspirational?

When we talk to clients about new fundraising opportunities, we ask a lot of questions that enable us to paint a picture — through evidence of examples — of Aspirational Organisations. Understanding that no organisation is perfect, we want to entice the best talent to consider our clients. We ask:

  • Do you value individuals?

  • Do you have inspiring leaders?

  • Is there a great culture?

  • Is best practice in place?

  • Is there sufficient funding?

  • Are you an employer of choice?

Now, how to find and keep awesome fundraisers!

Are fundraisers difficult to find? Yes, is the short and simple answer. Like finding that transformational $1 million donor, you need to find the right person, at the right time for the right salary, location and needs. You also need to be realistic — you are looking for a person, not a magic unicorn!

Gembridge’s approach to recruiting involves 8 steps

The Pareto Principle and transferable skills

At Gembridge, we love the Pareto Principle. Where possible, we like to consider candidates who meet 80% of the brief and can reach the remaining 20% through learning, passion, and attitude. We also like to find people with transferable skills to move into fundraising. The for-purpose sector needs to support the growth and transition of brilliant people from other professions.

How to keep awesome fundraisers

Just because an organisation is a not-for-profit does not mean it cannot be competitive. You are investing in impact and, as such, you need to weigh up the ROI of employing and retaining the best talent.
Could you offer…

  • Additional leave,

  • Field trips, involvement in campaigns, secondments and behind-the-scenes experiences, or

  • Training and development opportunities?

The recruitment process

  1. Make the application process simple

  2. Plan and prepare

  3. Be flexible

  4. Interviews and a two-way street

  5. Be creative and open

  6. You only need one

So, aim to be an Aspirational Organisation. If you work towards the key components laid out above, you will be enticing, recruiting and keeping awesome fundraisers who help deliver thriving impact for your cause.

Michelle’s full article, titled “Awesome Fundraisers: How to entice them, recruit them and keep them” can be found here.