Gem Spotlight with Jenni D'Orival


Who is Jenni D'Orival? 

Jenni commenced with Gembridge in February 2020 and with the timing of COVID-19, she has spent more time working from home than in the office, conducted more interviews via Zoom than in person and more elbow bumps than handshakes. Let's get to know Jenni...

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Securing funding to pilot an eHealth program at an organisation I worked for that provides specialist autism-specific services. We wanted to be able to offer eHealth services so that all children and their families had access to specialist support, no matter where they live. This one was special for me because one of my nephews has autism and we grew up in regional Victoria, so I know how valuable it is to have an accessible alternative to travelling for therapy.

Outside of work, I’m proudest of my two little boys and completing a half marathon.

How did you get into fundraising? What did you enjoy about it?

Like many other fundraisers I know, I didn’t plan on getting into fundraising. The first fundraising team I was part of was at CBM Australia. Before starting there, I remember seeing a fundraising job advertised. I was interested in the organisation so I took a good look at it, spoke with the hiring manager and then distinctly remember thinking ‘no way could I work in fundraising. I don’t want to ask people for money!’

Somehow, not too far down the track, I was a fundraiser. I started in marketing and communications roles and the more time I spent in the NFP sector, the more I was drawn to fundraising. The thing I loved most about fundraising was connecting with donors. I enjoyed being that person in the middle, connecting a passionate donor who wanted to make a difference in the world, with a cause that was close to their heart. I also enjoyed seeing the impact that funding has and then being able to share that impact with the donors that made it happen.

Why did you move from fundraising into recruitment?

After about 10 years in fundraising, I knew I wanted a career change, although I didn't know what I wanted to move into straight away. It had been on my mind for a while, so I did some soul searching. I kept coming back to the people that make up organisations, the importance of the recruitment and HR functions and the significant role our jobs play in our lives. I’ve always been interested in HR and,along with marketing, it was one of the major areas I studied at Uni. The more I searched this career path, the more excited I got and was initially looking at generalist HR roles. During this time, I connected with Michelle from Gembridge and she was searching for a Recruitment Consultant to join the team. We had some really great conversations, and the rest, as they say, is history. I feel incredibly fortunate (and thankful to Michelle!) that I’ve had the opportunity to move into something that I’m really passionate about, whilst also staying connected to the fundraising and NFP world, which I also love. It’s been such a positive and refreshing change and I’m thoroughly enjoying recruitment.

Reflecting on your career change, what has surprised you the most?

That the things I thought I’d find most difficult about the new career; are actually the things I’m enjoying the most! It’s amazing what can happen when you just give yourself a little push.

What did you dream of being when you were a child?

I don’t remember what I dreamt of being when I was a young child. However, when I was a teenager, I wanted to be a sports/athlete manager. My sister was a professional track cyclist and is a 2x Olympic silver medallist. I looked up to her a lot, and as soon as I found out she had a manager, I remember thinking that would be a very cool job. I even studied a double degree that would take me down that career path.

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

To be honest, probably something quite simple. I’d go on a little road trip with my family – either to the coast or the bush – and just enjoy exploring and spending time with them. The day would also need to include good food and coffee!

What is your favourite movie?

That’s a tough one… Maybe Inception or The Shawshank Redemption.