Lauren joined Team Gembridge as Associate Consultant earlier this year. Read here about her love of Japan, writing and singing.
Gem Spotlight - Vincent Ramos
Gem Spotlight - Marlo Newton
Gem Spotlight - Dawn Patrick
Gem Spotlight - Matt Donovan
Gem Spotlight - Emma Padgett
Gem Spotlight - Jenny Nicholls
Gem Spotlight - Bianca Ryan
Gem Spotlight - Simonne Michelle
Gem Spotlight - Daniel Brace
Gem Spotlight - Suzanne Grant
In this month’s Gem Spotlight, Suzanne shares her career highlights, advice, and lockdown learnings. She is an experienced grant writer with a proven track record of securing funding from philanthropic trusts and foundations for charities in Australia and the UK. She is inspired by the people she works with and is motivated by seeing impact and new projects come to fruition. We also learn that she has a slight competitive streak!
Gem Spotlight - Michael Courtney
Gem Spotlight - Jaqui Bond
Jaqui leads a large team, and oversees the delivery of high-quality programs (including Children's Mobility, Adult Mobility, Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Orthoptist, Occupational Therapy, Assistive Technology, Access Consulting and Support Coordination) that develop independence for the blind and low vision community of Victoria.
Gembridge worked in partnership with Guide Dogs Victoria to appoint Jacui in her current role GM, Client & Vision Services. She has a wealth of experience, passion, energy and commitment to making a difference, and we are excited to follow her career journey at GDV.
Gem Spotlight - Amanda Chan
Gem Spotlight - Amy Coote
Amy Coote has been described as a “mover and shaker” in the social impact sector for her leadership, passion, commitment and proven track record of success in driving fundraising outcomes. She shares her fundraising journey from the corporate sector into fundraising, plus career highlights, advice and big plans for 2021.
Gem Spotlight - Luke Toebelmann, FIA's Victorian Young Fundraiser of the year!
Gem Spotlight - Jane Crouch
Gem Spotlight - Peter Copp
Peter shares his transition from Trade to Fundraising plus career highlights, advice and a funny donor story.
Peter delivers fundraising success with loads of energy, enthusiasm and expertise. He is also an active volunteer and newly appointed Director of Northern Health Foundation.
Gembridge placed Peter in his current role as Director, Partnerships at SVA.